Shared Service Guide

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Do you want to know the strategy for the SSC (the 3 steps in the strategy you just requested) and also implement your strategy in reality?
I have an offer for you. You can buy the FSSC scan for € 2,50.

With this FSSC scan you will discover:

You can buy the FSSC scan now for € 2,50 .

Do you also waste money?

Research shows that 95% of the financial shared service centers (FSSCs) worldwide are not really successful.They don’t use the potential of the shared service concept and waste money. Only 5% of the FSSCs worldwide are successful. They save 75% costs, deliver premium quality of services, satisfy internal customers and attract talent.

Since 2002 I help CFOs to run the FSSC efficiently and grow with new services. I notice that many CFOs consider the FSSC as a centralization of several financial administrations. They think the FSSC is ready after these financial administrations are moved to a central location. But… if you don’t change the way of working after centralization, you’ll not achieve the desired results. A complete new way of working is needed to save 75% costs, deliver premium quality of services and attract new customers.